Automatic IIS log housekeeping

A collection of scripts that can keep the IIS server's HTTP/SMTP/FTP logs from filling up drives.

Depending on the script chosen, you can have different archiving (compression) and file retention times, or just simple delete-older-than log rotation. The log locations can be automatically retrieved from the IIS metabase (additional configuration needed for IIS 7.x), or specified manually.
Save the code as a .vbs file and run it daily as a scheduled job on the server.

Note that the scripts using compression need the command line version of the free 7-Zip compressor available on

Update 2011-11-05: The functionality of script two and four have been further developed into a standalone log rotation Windows service. If you want to avoid the hassle of setting up a scheduled task for the log rotation, you can use the service instead.

Housekeeping script, manual log locations, logs are archived and deleted:

Option Explicit
WScript.Timeout = 82800

' This Script archives (compresses to a zip file, then deletes the
' original) IIS log files older than a specified number of days.
' The script can also delete the compressed archive files older
' than another specified number of days.
' Run it as a daily scheduled task on high traffic web servers to
' avoid running out of disc space. IIS logs can typically be
' compressed to well below 1/20 of the original file size.
' The script needs the command line version of the free 7-Zip
' compressor available on
' The ArchiveLogFiles function takes three parameters:
' "Path to log dir"
' "Compress log files older than n days and delete the original files"
' "Delete compressed log files older than n days"
' Multiple function calls can be added to archive files in different
' log folders with different log retentions.
' Note that the function runs through subfolders recursively, so if
' the same log retention should be used on a whole log folder tree
' structure, only one call with the root log folder is needed.
' Additional calls with specific subfolders can then be made to have
' shorter retentions on those.
' Edit the example lines below to match the log folder paths,
' archive and retention values needed on the server.

ArchiveLogFiles "D:\Logfiles", 30, 180
ArchiveLogFiles "D:\Logfiles\W3SVC1", 14, 30
ArchiveLogFiles "D:\Logfiles\W3SVC243", 5, 30
ArchiveLogFiles "D:\Logfiles\SMTPSVC1", 7, 60

Function ArchiveLogFiles(strLogPath, intZipAge, intDelAge)
  Dim objFs
  Dim objFsCheck
  Dim objFolder
  Dim objSubFolder
  Dim objFile
  Dim objWShell
  Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set objFsCheck = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Right(strLogPath, 1) <> "\" Then
    strLogPath = strLogPath & "\"
  End If
  If objFs.FolderExists(strLogPath) Then
    Set objFolder = objFs.GetFolder(strLogPath)
      For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.subFolders
        ArchiveLogFiles strLogPath & objSubFolder.Name, intZipAge, intDelAge
      For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
        If (InStr(objFile.Name, "ex") > 0) _
          And (Right(objFile.Name, 4) = ".log") Then
          If DateDiff("d",objFile.DateLastModified,Date) > intZipAge Then
            objWShell.Run "7za.exe a -tzip """ & strLogPath & _
              Left(objFile.Name,Len(objFile.Name)-3) & "zip"" """ & _
              strLogPath & objFile.Name & """", 7, true
            If objFsCheck.FileExists(strLogPath & _
              Left(objFile.Name,Len(objFile.Name)-3) & "zip") And _
              (objFsCheck.FileExists(strLogPath & objFile.Name)) Then
                objFsCheck.DeleteFile(strLogPath & objFile.Name)
            End If
          End If
        ElseIf (InStr(objFile.Name, "ex") > 0) _
          And (Right(objFile.Name, 4) = ".zip") Then
          If DateDiff("d",objFile.DateLastModified,Date) > intDelAge Then
            objFsCheck.DeleteFile(strLogPath & objFile.Name)
          End If
        End If
    Set objFs = Nothing
    Set objFsCheck = Nothing
    Set objFolder = Nothing
    Set objWShell = nothing
  End If
End Function

Housekeeping script, manual log locations, logs are just deleted:

Option Explicit
WScript.Timeout = 82800

' This Script deletes IIS log files older than a specified number
' of days.
' Run it as a daily scheduled task on high traffic web servers to
' avoid running out of disc space.
' The DeleteLogFiles function takes two parameters:
' "Path to log dir"
' "Delete log files older than n days"
' Multiple function calls can be added to delete files in different
' log folders with different log retentions.
' Note that the function runs through subfolders recursively, so if
' the same log retention should be used on a whole log folder tree
' structure, only one call with the root log folder is needed.
' Additional calls with specific subfolders can then be made to have
' shorter retentions on those.
' Edit the example lines below to match the log folder paths and
' retention values needed on the server.

DeleteLogFiles "D:\Logfiles", 30
DeleteLogFiles "D:\Logfiles\W3SVC1", 14
DeleteLogFiles "D:\Logfiles\W3SVC243", 5
DeleteLogFiles "D:\Logfiles\SMTPSVC1", 7

Function DeleteLogFiles(strLogPath, intDelAge)
  Dim objFs
  Dim objFolder
  Dim objSubFolder
  Dim objFile
  Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Right(strLogPath, 1) <> "\" Then
    strLogPath = strLogPath & "\"
  End If
  If objFs.FolderExists(strLogPath) Then
    Set objFolder = objFs.GetFolder(strLogPath)
      For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.subFolders
        DeleteLogFiles strLogPath & objSubFolder.Name, intDelAge
      For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
        If (InStr(objFile.Name, "ex") > 0) _
          And (Right(objFile.Name, 4) = ".log") Then
          If DateDiff("d",objFile.DateLastModified,Date) > intDelAge Then
            objFs.DeleteFile(strLogPath & objFile.Name)
          End If
        End If
    Set objFs = Nothing
    Set objFolder = Nothing
  End If
End Function

Housekeeping script, automatic log locations, logs are archived and deleted:

Option Explicit
WScript.Timeout = 82800

' This Script archives (compresses to a zip file, then deletes the
' original) IIS log files older than a specified number of days.
' The script can also delete the compressed archive files older
' than another specified number of days.
' Run it as a daily scheduled task on high traffic web servers to
' avoid running out of disc space. IIS logs can typically be
' compressed to well below 1/20 of the original file size.
' The script needs the command line version of the free 7-Zip
' compressor available on
' Edit the values for intZipAge and intDelAge to set the archive and
' retention times needed on the server.
' The locations of the IIS log files are found automatically (for this
' to also work on IIS 7.x on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or
' Windows 7, please enable "IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility" aka
' "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility").

Dim intZipAge
Dim intDelAge
intZipAge = 30
intDelAge = 180
Dim objIIS
Dim objWeb
Dim objIISOuter
Dim objWebOuter

Set objIISOuter = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST")
For Each objWebOuter in objIISOuter
  If LCase(objWebOuter.Class) = "iiswebservice" Then
    Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST/W3SVC")
    For Each objWeb in objIIS
      If LCase(objWeb.Class) = "iiswebserver" Then
        Call ArchiveLogFiles( _
          objWeb.LogFileDirectory & "\W3SVC" & objWeb.Name, _
          intZipAge, _
      End If
  ElseIf LCase(objWebOuter.Class) = "iissmtpservice" Then
    Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST/SMTPSVC")
    For Each objWeb in objIIS
      If LCase(objWeb.Class) = "iissmtpserver" Then
        Call ArchiveLogFiles( _
          objWeb.LogFileDirectory & "\SMTPSVC" & objWeb.Name, _
          intZipAge, _
      End If
  ElseIf LCase(objWebOuter.Class) = "iisftpservice" Then
    Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST/MSFTPSVC")
    For Each objWeb in objIIS
      If LCase(objWeb.Class) = "iisftpserver" Then
        Call ArchiveLogFiles( _
          objWeb.LogFileDirectory & "\MSFTPSVC" & objWeb.Name, _
          intZipAge, _
      End If
  End If

Set objIIS = nothing
Set objIISOuter = nothing

Function ArchiveLogFiles(strLogPath, intZipAge, intDelAge)
  Dim objFs
  Dim objFsCheck
  Dim objFolder
  Dim objSubFolder
  Dim objFile
  Dim objWShell
  Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set objFsCheck = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Right(strLogPath, 1) <> "\" Then
    strLogPath = strLogPath & "\"
  End If
  If objFs.FolderExists(strLogPath) Then
    Set objFolder = objFs.GetFolder(strLogPath)
      For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.subFolders
        ArchiveLogFiles strLogPath & objSubFolder.Name, intZipAge, intDelAge
      For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
        If (InStr(objFile.Name, "ex") > 0) _
          And (Right(objFile.Name, 4) = ".log") Then
          If DateDiff("d",objFile.DateLastModified,Date) > intZipAge Then
            objWShell.Run "7za.exe a -tzip """ & strLogPath & _
              Left(objFile.Name,Len(objFile.Name)-3) & "zip"" """ & _
              strLogPath & objFile.Name & """", 7, true
            If objFsCheck.FileExists(strLogPath & _
              Left(objFile.Name,Len(objFile.Name)-3) & "zip") And _
              (objFsCheck.FileExists(strLogPath & objFile.Name)) Then
                objFsCheck.DeleteFile(strLogPath & objFile.Name)
            End If
          End If
        ElseIf (InStr(objFile.Name, "ex") > 0) _
          And (Right(objFile.Name, 4) = ".zip") Then
          If DateDiff("d",objFile.DateLastModified,Date) > intDelAge Then
            objFsCheck.DeleteFile(strLogPath & objFile.Name)
          End If
        End If
    Set objFs = Nothing
    Set objFsCheck = Nothing
    Set objFolder = Nothing
    Set objWShell = nothing
  End If
End Function

Housekeeping script, automatic log locations, logs are just deleted:

Option Explicit
WScript.Timeout = 82800

' This Script deletes IIS log files older than a specified number
' of days.
' Run it as a daily scheduled task on high traffic web servers to
' avoid running out of disc space.
' Edit the value for intDelAge to set retention times needed on
' the server.
' The locations of the IIS log files are found automatically (for this
' to also work on IIS 7.x on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or
' Windows 7, please enable "IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility" aka
' "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility").

Dim intDelAge
intDelAge = 30
Dim objIIS
Dim objWeb
Dim objIISOuter
Dim objWebOuter
Set objIISOuter = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST")
For Each objWebOuter in objIISOuter
  If LCase(objWebOuter.Class) = "iiswebservice" Then
    Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST/W3SVC")
    For Each objWeb in objIIS
      If LCase(objWeb.Class) = "iiswebserver" Then
        Call DeleteLogFiles( _
          objWeb.LogFileDirectory & "\W3SVC" & objWeb.Name, _
      End If
  ElseIf LCase(objWebOuter.Class) = "iissmtpservice" Then
    Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST/SMTPSVC")
    For Each objWeb in objIIS
      If LCase(objWeb.Class) = "iissmtpserver" Then
        Call DeleteLogFiles( _
          objWeb.LogFileDirectory & "\SMTPSVC" & objWeb.Name, _
      End If
  ElseIf LCase(objWebOuter.Class) = "iisftpservice" Then
    Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://LOCALHOST/MSFTPSVC")
    For Each objWeb in objIIS
      If LCase(objWeb.Class) = "iisftpserver" Then
        Call DeleteLogFiles( _
          objWeb.LogFileDirectory & "\MSFTPSVC" & objWeb.Name, _
      End If
  End If

Set objIIS = nothing
Set objIISOuter = nothing

Function DeleteLogFiles(strLogPath, intDelAge)
  Dim objFs
  Dim objFolder
  Dim objSubFolder
  Dim objFile
  Dim objWShell
  Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Right(strLogPath, 1) <> "\" Then
    strLogPath = strLogPath & "\"
  End If
  If objFs.FolderExists(strLogPath) Then
    Set objFolder = objFs.GetFolder(strLogPath)
      For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.subFolders
        DeleteLogFiles strLogPath & objSubFolder.Name, intDelAge
      For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
        If (InStr(objFile.Name, "ex") > 0) _
          And (Right(objFile.Name, 4) = ".log") Then
          If DateDiff("d",objFile.DateLastModified,Date) > intDelAge Then
            objFs.DeleteFile(strLogPath & objFile.Name)
          End If
        End If
    Set objFs = Nothing
    Set objFolder = Nothing
    Set objWShell = nothing
  End If
End Function
Tags: software
Page last updated 2009-11-23 18:45. Some rights reserved (CC by 3.0)